Grabados Rupestres

The Agua Botada site with rock engravings is part of the rock art record of southern Mendoza with more than 96 sites with rock art. The rock art record is the symbolic expression of past human populations that inhabited the territory, understanding art as a regional visual communication system.

The Agua Botada site presents in its rock engraving motifs astronomical evidence, related to possible equinoctial and solstice orientations represented on its geographic horizon, with an antiquity of 3000 years. Astronomical knowledge in the past could serve to establish social and cultural activities, organized in a horizon calendar, for the seasonal prediction of the availability of natural resources, such as animal migration, birthing seasons, collection of plant resources and other activities for subsistence, organizing the rites and ceremonies necessary to reproduce the cultural logic of these past human populations.

The Agua Botada site fulfills a double function, representing the cultural identity legacy of the past and present of the native peoples and in the same way, from its activation through tourism development by the Moya Family, custodians for years of this unique cultural heritage, they bet on local development in a sustainable way as an economic alternative to activate rurality.